Monday, May 9, 2011

Chalkboard fetish?

Just cut out and stick on chalkboard paper

 Ok so I think I'm a little obsessed* with chalk... No not like that girl on My Strange Addictions that eats chalk all day long (I'd like to be obsessed with eating cheese or something that actually tastes good), but in the "look at all the uses I have for chalkboard paper."

* I say "I'm obsessed with" a lot, and I usually mean it. 

 BTW...You know where you can find equivalently cute kitchen/home accessories to the likes of Anthropologie or Costplus WorldMarket... ROSS!!


  1. How did I not even know CHALKBOARD PAPER existed??!! Geeze... America is so far ahead of the rest of the world. These are awesome. xx

  2. Yeah America totally is haha. I bet Zurich has an amazing arts/craft scene. Buy some chalk paint. It's so fun.
